The Centralina Regional Resilience Collaborative put on a series of eight workshops between 2023 – 2024. See below for the webinar, PowerPoint presentation and meeting notes. 

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3

Workshop 4

Workshop 5

Workshop 6

Workshop 7

Workshop 8

Foundational Workshops

If you would like to learn more about the foundational work that informs the Regional Resilience Roadmap and Local Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan development, you can view the following previous workshop materials. 

Workshop I: Regional Recovery Summit

The Regional Recovery Summit was the first Regional Resilience Collaborative workshop. The Summit featured discussions with representatives from state and local government and nonprofit organizations. Disaster recovery experts shared their experiences, addressing the many challenges of rebuilding sustainable and equitable communities following large-scale disasters. The workshop was centered around four recovery themes:

  1.  Whole Community Collaboration – utilizing trusted resources, knowing who to contact and working with community organizations. 
  2.  Infrastructure Recovery – mapping out recovery and who to engage. 
  3.  Disaster Housing and Land Use/ Development – best practices and experiences from other areas of North Carolina that have experienced recent catastrophic disasters.  
  4.  Economic and Small Business Recovery – how local government can support resilient economies and bounce forward. 

Several key themes emerged from the discussions at the Summit. Attendees agreed that planning and building relationships in advance is crucial, and that equity is directly linked to recovery efforts. To be successful, recovery must involve community partners, the public, and local businesses, in addition to government and federal partners. Communication was identified as a critical factor, and attendees emphasized the importance of looking to other communities for examples of successful recovery efforts.

Workshop ll: Recovery Planning

The goal of this event was to collaborate with the emergency management leads and the planning teams of the nine counties in the Centralina region to create a comprehensive operational and all-hazards recovery plan. The materials included key recovery concepts, planning tools and recommended next steps for plan implementation. Additionally, Centralina unveiled a plan development template and coordinating guide to enhance our region’s recovery planning by bolstering a coordinated approach. It is important to note that emergency management owns the recovery plan and county/city management owns the recovery process. 

Workshop III: Recovery as an Opportunity

This workshop centered on guiding local leaders in leveraging disaster recovery efforts to advance equity and strengthen economic resilience. Centralina presented a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) interface that can aid local governments in pre-disaster planning and post-disaster decision-making that prioritizes equity and resilience. The workshop featured insights from various stakeholders, including local government leaders, elected officials, emergency managers, social service providers, urban planners, economic development entities, nonprofit organizations and community-based organizations in the central North Carolina region. Additionally, the workshop explored the Regional Resilience Collaborative’s next steps and funding opportunities.