data portals

Data-driven decision making helps local governments and businesses optimize resources and increase efficiency. By using data to guide decisions instead of relying on assumptions or historical precedent, organizations will decrease bias and risk while increasing transparency and objectivity.

Centralina Economic Development District CEDS Data Portal

This data portal maintains an up-to-date repository of economic, transportation, workforce and community information to empower local leaders and stakeholders in their decision-making processes. It is an interactive, web-based version of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).

Regional Resilience & Equity Mapping Tool for Economic Recovery

This GIS-based tool can be used to support pre-disaster and post-disaster planning and customized for your community. Specifically, this tool can help you determine vulnerable assets and population areas, clarify community recovery planning needs, assess impacts from disasters and economic shocks and identify recovery projects and mitigation strategies.

Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Funding Dashboard

The Electric Vehicle (EV) Supply Equipment Funding Dashboard is a one-stop resource for communities, organizations and businesses looking to capitalize on federal and state funding programs for transportation and EV infrastructure. The dashboard allows users to view existing EV infrastructure in our region, identify geographic areas eligible for distinct funding programs, verify project eligibility through an address search, and explore additional information about available funding opportunities.

CONNECT Beyond Transit Equity Mapping Tool

The Transit Equity Mapping Tool was created as part of the CONNECT Beyond Regional Mobility Plan and is intended to provide a comprehensive understanding of the region's population and mobility needs through an equity lens. From vehicle accessibility to people with disabilities and marginalized populations, these equity maps provide context for the placement of the preliminary high-capacity transit corridors and is a resource for communities in the region evaluating mobility investments.

Centralina Career Pivot

This webtool is designed to help workers seeking to pivot from low-skill jobs at risk of automation to related jobs that are more stable, pay better or may require new skills. Users can filter data by career type, job stability, education requirements, automation risk, jobs that offer higher wages and industries with an abundance of available jobs.