Centralina Workforce Development Board

The true labor market of an area is best represented by a regional framework that looks holistically at the region. Centralina Workforce Development Board (WDB) provides that regional lens, helping local businesses and workers thrive. Through a variety of services and programming, Centralina WDB ensures the development and training needs of our area are met so that we remain a competitive player in the global economy.

 Centralina WDB helps career seekers find and qualify for fulfilling and rewarding jobs, a key factor to achieving a high quality of life. We also help regional businesses succeed by focusing on their greatest asset: the workforce.

Programs and Services

For Individuals
  • Centralina NCWorks Career Centers features eight centers dedicated to helping career seekers and businesses
  • NextGen Services provides career services and employment opportunities for youth and young adults
  • Centralina WDB also offers workshops, job training and education to assist and empower career seekers
For Businesses
  • Recruitment, staffing, apprenticeship and outplacement services
  • Incumbent worker training
  • Talent acquisition and retention strategy development
  • Centralina WDB equips local businesses with access to NCWorks.gov and workforce data

Board of Directors

Centralina Workforce Development Board (WDB) is governed by a private sector-led volunteer board of 24 directors. The Board initiates planning, negotiation and integration of various workforce services at the local level, in addition to coordinating workforce investment activities with economic development strategies. The core functions of the Board are policy guidance, program oversight, coordination of services and building partnerships with businesses to connect talent to employment. Learn More on the Centralina Works website.

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