Capitol Corner July 2022

Capitol Hill Recognizes the Importance of Regional Councils

As Congress works through the appropriations process, it funds numerous competitive grants in multiple agencies. When these grants list local governments or non-profit agencies as eligible applicants, regional councils and councils of governments are often left out.

Centralina Regional Council staff worked with Strategics Consulting to inform our congressional delegation of this situation. U.S. Representative Budd, recognizing the benefits of regional coordination, took the lead and worked with U.S. Representatives Adams and Hudson to address this in the FY23 spending bills. These three members of the congressional delegation submitted a joint, bipartisan request that the committee encourage federal agencies to list regional councils as eligible entities for competitive grants.

Over the last several weeks the House Appropriations Subcommittees have been holding hearings and marking up their respective funding bills. Due to a well-coordinated effort the Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations bill, the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations bill, the Energy and Water Appropriations bill, and the Financial Services Appropriations bill all include language recognizing the importance of regional councils and councils of government, and encouraging their listing as eligible applicants. 

In the age of partisanship, it is really encouraging to see our delegation reach across party lines to support regional coordination and leadership. Please make sure to thank our Representatives when you see them.