Vaccine Rates Soar After Outreach Campaign

As the COVID virus continues to impact our region, Centralina is proud to release the impressive results of our older and disabled adult outreach campaign. The one-year public health initiative was designed to increase Covid-19 vaccination rates among at-risk populations and expand vaccine access and awareness for older adults and people with disabilities. Centralina achieved this goal by using data and mapping to guide outreach efforts, identifying areas with high minority populations where low initial vaccine rates and high barriers to accessing healthcare services existed.

The cross-departmental project team, led by Centralina Area Agency on Aging (AAA), developed an interactive web portal using regional census tracts. Centralina AAA then leveraged this data to focus its outreach efforts by utilizing its existing network of service providers and new community collaborators to deliver the messaging and help host vaccine events. During these events, community members could receive educational materials, health supplies (test kits, masks and hand sanitizers) and a vaccine (given by a county public health department or mobile vaccine clinic).  

One participant, who was at a nearby free shoes event hosted by partner Samaritan’s Feet, decided to get the Covid vaccine while she was there since it was so convenient. She had been hesitant to get the vaccine but thanks to the educational materials, patient event staff and the fact that she saw her friends getting the vaccine, she finally had enough confidence to get the vaccine remarking, “Everybody was so patient, the nurse answered all my questions, I finally felt safe enough to try the shot.” 

Centralina AAA also made a commitment to focus on low-English proficiency by partnering with a Spanish language community health worker to advise on the project and help translate documents. Spanish language interpreters were on hand at events to help answer questions and address myths and fears. Additionally, Spanish language billboards, radio spots, YouTube interviews, webinars and print materials were provided throughout the nine counites.

THE RESULTS: Over two million people were reached through a combination of in-person and media efforts and during the grant period, the region saw a 47% increase in vaccination rates for African American and 52% for Latinx communities. Centralina is pleased to have played a small role in reaching these goals. 

Read more about the vaccine campaign HERE.