Generative AI Policy Guidance Document for Local Governments

Is your local government prepared to address the rapidly evolving landscape of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology and its associated risks? In early 2024, the Centralina regional AI working group, featuring municipal representatives from our nine-county region, pooled together expertise and research to craft the “Generative AI Policy Guidance Document for Local Governments.” This detailed guide provides a structured framework, practical insights and policy template language to help municipalities effectively manage and implement generative AI technologies.

Generative AI, a transformative branch of artificial intelligence, creates dynamic content based on your needs and offers many potential applications for public-sector organizations. For local governments eager to harness this technology, establishing a solid policy is crucial to navigating risks like bias, privacy, cybersecurity and legal compliance. Explore the potential of generative AI with confidence by reviewing the document in our member portal.

The creation of the policy began in 2024 when Centralina Regional Council gathered several regional stakeholders together for working group sessions focused on understanding the world of AI. The purpose of the group was to provide a forum atmosphere for discussions on AI issues, applications and concerns and to identify opportunities to build local knowledge. The output from the end of these working sessions is a template that regional organizations can utilize to develop generative AI usage policies and preparation guides to implement within their respective communities.

The guide is the result of three local government working sessions. Click here to view the group’s resources.