Regional Freight Mobility Plan

To stay economically competitive, our region’s economy must have a dependable, multi-modal freight transportation network to efficiently and reliably move raw materials and finished products that consumers and industries need. This network supports the region’s economic growth, fosters job creation and helps create improved outcomes for individuals as well as the public and private sector.

In 2016, Centralina led the development of the region’s first Freight Mobility Plan. We collaborated with regional partners from 14 counties in two states, including local officials, transportation organizations, economic development organizations, private rail and trucking companies and logistics and distribution firms.

Our region’s freight transportation system is made up of a network of interstates, highways, local roads, railways and pipelines tied together by inter-modal yards, airports and

transportation facilities. The goal of the Regional Freight Mobility Plan is to strengthen the connection between these key freight transportation assets, core industries and land-use development. The plan analyzed existing conditions and forecasted future freight trends, incorporated stakeholder input and national best practices, identified project, program and policy improvements and methods for gauging successful implementation.

As a result, the plan

  • Identified ways to effectively and consistently reduce freight congestion and bottlenecks
  • Identified connections between freight mobility and regional economic goals
  • Prioritized project, program and policy improvements to improve the safety, efficiency and reliability of the freight transportation system.
  • Promoted effective land use to support freight mobility, business development and job growth
  • Mitigated the environmental impacts of freight movements

The Freight Mobility Plan won an award for multi-jurisdictional planning from the North Carolina Chapter of the American Planning Association and the video won a North Carolina Public Information Officer’s Communication Award.

Read The Complete Freight Mobility Plan

View The Freight Mobility Plan Executive Summary