Member Portal
Centralina members have access to numerous opportunities to shape our regional agenda and access to valuable resources to improve outcomes in their communities. This portal provides a central hub to help your community better connect with the information and services that we offer exclusively to members. There are four primary sections – Grants & Funding (grants alerts, forecasts, grant support videos), Intergovernmental Advocacy (congressional representatives, congressional calendars, state & federal action plans), Your Membership (information about member benefits, Centralina delegate handbook, member liaison information) and Your Resources (a repository of Centralina Learns videos, guides / toolkits and external resources that you can filter by topic and type). We continuously update and add resources to each section throughout the year and highlight new additions in our monthly newsletter. Reach out to our member liaisons at with any questions or if you need to be added to our distribution list.
Your Membership
As members, your community has numerous opportunities to shape regional and local outcomes. You can participate as a Delegate on our Board to give your community a voice when shaping regional outcomes and advocating at the state and federal levels. Members also have access to a variety of technical support services, grants assistance and resources to support day-to-day work. Additionally, local government elected officials and staff can access peer networking events, leadership development and training on a wide variety of emerging issues.
Delegate Handbook
Each member government appoints an elected official to serve on the Board of Delegates and another elected official to serve as an Alternate to attend meetings in the Delegate’s absence. Board of Delegates meetings are held to accomplish the organization’s key business, including decision-making and discussing issues of regional importance. The Board of Delegates is often asked to provide input on critical business items, making it essential that each member government is represented at these meetings.
Member Liaisons
Do you have a question about your membership or a service but don’t know who to call? Contact one of our Member Liaisons! These central points of contact can provide information, respond to service requests and connect you to additional team members.