April is National Volunteer Month, a time to celebrate those who give their time and effort to help their communities and to encourage volunteerism for beneficial programs that support vulnerable populations who need it most. Centralina Area Agency on Aging (AAA) works to support and enhance services and advocacy that allow older adults and people with disabilities to live with independence and dignity. In addition to the “on the ground” work they do in the region, the Centralina AAA team utilizes volunteers to help support individuals and their families and champion important aging issues. As we thank those who have and continue to reinforce the work our agency does, we want to inform members of the community how they can get involved in bolstering and advocating for the rights of those we serve every day.
Health and Wellness Workshop Leaders
Our evidence-based volunteers serve as certified leaders for workshops that take place across our nine-county footprint. These volunteers serve their community by providing evidence-based health workshops to older adults at community organizations that range from Senior Centers to faith-based organizations. The workshops are offered at no cost to participants and provide an opportunity for older adults to learn more about their chronic conditions, how to prevent falling incidents, socialize with like individuals and much more. Without the dedication and support from the volunteers, the evidence-based programs would not be as widely accessible to older adults in their communities.

Community Advisory Committee Volunteers
The NC Ombudsman program utilizes volunteers to assist the Ombudsman in visiting residents who live in long-term care facilities. Our volunteers must live in the county they serve and are required to attend a 36-hour orientation with an annual 18-hour ongoing training requirement. These volunteers meet quarterly with the regional Ombudsman and visit all the facilities on a regular basis. They work to ensure that resident’s rights are protected for the residents living in our facilities. They are a valuable part of our program, and we are always looking for new volunteers.
Region F Aging Advisory Committee Volunteer
Region F Aging Advisory Committee volunteers are appointed through their county commissioner to represent the interests of older and disabled adults in their county. They help provide input and approve the regional aging four-year plan, attend quarterly meetings and review and comment on community policies, programs and actions that affect older adults in the Centralina nine-county region. Advisory Committee members are knowledgeable about Centralina AAA and aging issues, provide support to our staff and make recommendations as needed. There are three delegates and one alternate Advisory Committee member per county.
The North Carolina Senior Tar Heel Legislature (STHL) was authorized by the NC General Assembly (NCGA) with the passage of Senate Bill 479 in July of 1993 to:
* Assess the legislative needs of older citizens by convening a forum modeled after the NCGA
* Promote citizen involvement and advocacy concerning aging issues before the NCGA
* Develop a nonpartisan forum for older North Carolinians to discuss senior citizens’ issues
*Provide information and education to senior citizens on the legislative process and matters being considered by the NCGA
*Provide older North Carolinians an opportunity to become more knowledgeable about the legislative process.
Region F has two volunteers for each county, one delegate and one alternate. Members must be at least 60 years of age and serve in the county they live. The delegates and alternates serve to keep their communities aware of the aging issues being promoted by the STHL through the promotion of the legislative priorities created by the STHL at the state level. NCSTHL recently visited with Region D Representative, Dudley Green, and Senator Ralph Hise to discuss topical issues and top priorities.

How Can you Get Involved?
If you are interested in serving as a Health and wellness workshop leader or NC Senior Tar Heel Legislator, reach out to the Centralina Area Agency on Aging.
If you are interested in serving as a Community Advisory Committee volunteer or Region F Aging Advisory Committee Volunteer, please reach out to the Clerk of the County Commissioners in your county to submit an online application.