Falls Prevention Awareness Month

Did you know that every second of every day, an older adult age 65 and older falls? In recognition of Falls Awareness Month, held each September, Centralina Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is highlighting the work it does to support older adults so they can remain living in their homes and communities. Centralina AAA offers A Matter of Balance, an evidence-based class designed to reduce the fear of falling while improving strength and balance. Older adults and caretakers participate in eight sessions designed to build confidence, bring awareness to resources that can be used to boost in-home mobility and learn how to fall in a way that reduces the chance of serious injury. This class is part of the suite of health and wellness programs offered to support older adults and caregivers and improve quality of life.

Additionally, Centralina AAA prioritizes fall prevention efforts by collaborating with the Metrolina Falls Prevention Coalition (MFPC). The MFPC works to reduce falls and related injuries through prevention strategies and community education efforts. The coalition is a community of fall prevention professionals, volunteers, advocates and community members collaborating to raise awareness, educate and promote fall prevention practices. Interested in getting involved? Learn more about the MFPC on its website or click here to receive the Metrolina Falls Prevention Coalition newsletter.

Click here for more information on falls prevention and awareness.