NCWorks Career Center Helps Local Veteran Find Employment  

As job seekers enter the workforce for the first time, or re-enter after losing an opportunity, they often find it can be tough to navigate the steps of the job search process and find the right position for their needs and skillsets. Veterans in particular may struggle transitioning from service or deployment into a different field in the workforce. The dedicated staff at various NCWorks Careers Centers located around our region are equipped with the tools and knowledge to support job seekers of all ages, background and experience levels to help them find secure employment opportunities.

Local veteran Omar Abdelgawad recently visited the NCWorks Career Center-Union in Monroe seeking help to find employment after recently losing his job in the B2B marketing and sales field. Though he had a bachelor’s degree in marketing, and was interested in continuing working in this field, he was struggling to find opportunities suited to his skillset or get responses to any of his applications. Once registered in the NCWorks system, he was quickly connected with Dora Devarie, an NCWorks Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialist. Ms. Devarie used her specialized training in supporting veteran job seekers to help Omar update his resume to appear more competitive and activate it to an “online” status on the NCWorks online platform for employers to view.

In addition, Ms. Devarie invited Omar to attend the NCWorks Veterans Luncheon, sponsored by Centralina Workforce Development Board. The event aimed to recognize the outstanding service veterans have given on behalf of our country and gave local veteran job seekers like Mr. Abdelgward an important networking opportunity to get their name and experience in front of reputable employers. The event also kickstarted a period of good fortune for Mr. Abdelgawad, winning a $25 Amazon gift card as part of a drawing during the festivities.

In the months since he first began working with NCWorks, Mr. Abdelgawad has begun getting responses from various competitive employers in the area. He has expressed to NCWorks staff that he’s been interviewing for some exciting opportunities recently and hopes to secure employment soon. The positive results and feedback from this relationship displays how valuable the services and tools our NCWorks Centers offer to career seekers in our region. Even if someone comes in and doesn’t need extensive services or training, job seekers like Mr. Abdelgawad may just need more knowledge and guidance from experts to help them get on the right path and find the best solution for their career-seeking needs.

You can learn more about how NCWorks Career Centers can support you or someone you know in the Centralina region by visiting the dedicated webpage on the Centralina Workforce Development Board website.