Regional Resilience & Recovery

Over the past five years, North Carolina has experienced several major natural disasters, including several overlapping events, which are becoming more and more prevalent. As we face both natural and manmade disruptions, our communities’ health, safety and economic stability are at risk, and our residents are impacted in deeply personal ways. To move our communities forward and take advantage of the strengths of government and non-government partners, Centralina created a two-phase approach to support the region in bolstering disaster recovery and resiliency.

The Centralina Economic Development District (EDD) recognized the need for a whole-of-government approach and applied for a U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Disaster Relief Coordinator Grant. The Centralina EDD was awarded funding in March 2020, initiating phase I of Centralina’s regional resilience and recovery efforts.

As a supplement to phase I’s EDA Disaster Relief Coordinator funds, phase II was initiated in July 2022 when the North Carolina Association of Regional Councils of Governments (NCARCOG) received a state appropriation to support local governments in effectively managing and building capacity for local and regional disaster recovery, mitigation and resiliency efforts. NCARCOG administered these funds to all 16 regional councils / council of governments across the state to develop and deliver a comprehensive financial administration training program for local governments to bolster successful and efficient administration of recovery funding.

Two Phase Approach to Resilience & Recovery

  1. Centralina Regional Resilience Collaborative: Implementation of specific disaster recovery and resiliency capacity building and planning activities.
  2. FEMA Public Assistance Program: Development of disaster recovery financial administration training and deployment.

Centralina Regional Resilience Collaborative

The Centralina EDD partnered with Centralina Regional Council and our nine-county emergency management directors to launch the Regional Resilience Collaborative (RRC), a project that assesses the viability and resiliency of emergency management plans and coordinate resources so the region can pursue greater efficiency in responding to current and future natural and man-made disasters. The Centralina team works directly with county emergency management managers across our nine-county region to build upon existing county and city-level emergency plans through a series of plan evaluations, assessments, focus groups and workshops.

  • Investigate the landscape of local resources and capabilities
  • Document local strengths and opportunities
  • Support coordination for regional recovery strategies
  • Bolster the capacity of community economic resilience
  • Create a tangible and relevant recovery

Project Outcomes

As part of the RRC program, Centralina supports the development of pre-disaster recovery plans and recovery function/committee annexes. Tools, such as the Disaster Plan Development Guide, Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan Templates and the Centralina Regional Resilience GIS web app, which maps hazards and conditions throughout the region, are available below to support in facilitation. During this process, local leaders are encouraged to prioritize recovery planning, encourage all departments to support, identify additional stakeholders and understand legal authorities.

Resilience and Equity Hazards Assessment Tool

This tool can be used to support pre-disaster and post-disaster planning and customized for your community.

Pre-Disaster Planning
  • Establish an overall approach to whole community recovery
  • Determine vulnerable assets and population areas
  • Clarify community recovery planning needs and approaches
Post-Disaster Planning
  • Identify specific recovery projects and mitigation strategies
  • Assess impacts from disasters and economic shocks
  • Evaluate whole community recovery needs
Resilience and Equity Hazards Assessment Tool Tutorial

This video provides an overview of the Resilience and Equity Hazards Assessment Tool and its special features. Specifically, it: 

  • Offers a quick start for using the app to identify long-term recovery resilience and equity planning features.
  • Describes how information can be exported to assist with local long-term recovery planning documentation.
  • Provides helpful hints for navigating throughout the tool’s features and exporting components.

Templates and Guides

Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan Template

The template serves as a customizable document that assists Centralina jurisdictions in developing a pre-disaster recovery plan to address regional resilience and support community and business economic recovery from future disaster events and economic shocks.

Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan Development Guide

This document helps jurisdictions customize the Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan Template and serves as a “how-to” manual that accompanies the plan template.

Local Leader Disaster Recovery Guide

In the initial days of a disaster, recovery efforts start immediately with emergency managers focusing on ensuring people’s safety. The planning process for a successful recovery should be led by county or city managers, or their designated staff. Our Local Leader Disaster Recovery Coordination Guide offers essential guidance for county managers and elected officials on key planning considerations. This guide serves as a touchstone for the recovery planning team, engaging local government, elected officials, recovery support committees and community stakeholders in developing a local recovery plan.

Disaster Recovery Financial Administration Training

Concerns over the successful and efficient administration of recovery funding prompted the North Carolina General Assembly to provide resources to develop and deliver a comprehensive financial administration training program for local governments. This included a 2021 appropriation to the North Carolina Association of Regional Councils of Governments (NCARCOG) to support all 16 councils of government across the state in the deployment of public assistance trainings in their regions.