Member Portal

Centralina members have access to numerous opportunities to shape our regional agenda and access to valuable resources to improve outcomes in their communities. This portal provides a central hub to help your community better connect with the information and services that we offer exclusively to members. There are four primary sections – Grants & Funding (grants alerts, forecasts, grant support videos), Intergovernmental Advocacy (congressional representatives, congressional calendars, state & federal action plans), Your Membership (information about member benefits, Centralina delegate handbook, member liaison information) and Your Resources (a repository of Centralina Learns videos, guides / toolkits and external resources that you can filter by topic and type). We continuously update and add resources to each section throughout the year and highlight new additions in our monthly newsletter. Reach out to our member liaisons at with any questions or if you need to be added to our distribution list.  

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Access training, guides, toolkits and more from our subject matter experts and other industry thought leaders. The following resources can be filtered by type and by topic, with new content added on a regular basis. We’re here to support our communities so reach out to us at if you have suggestions for new materials, have questions or would like to explore our technical support options.
Guides, Toolkits & Templates

Homelessness – the Continuum of Care Approach

April 25, 2024
Continuum of Care Overview – This program is designed to promote a communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness through the collaborative efforts of nonprofit providers and state and local governments. View the Resource: Handout - CoC
Guides, Toolkits & Templates

Affordable Housing Strategy – Interactive Exercise

April 25, 2024
Affordable Housing Strategy Exercise - This interactive exercise is designed to facilitate a discussion around housing affordability and accessibility within your community. View the resource: Interactive Housing Activity Handout
External Resources

Housing Data Resources

April 25, 2024
View a housing and transportation affordability index and a housing resource specific to North Carolina counties.   NC Housing Coalition County Profiles – This page features snapshots of housing needs for each of the state’s 100 counties. Center for Neighborhood Technology’s Housing and Transportation Fact Sheets – The Housing...
Economic Development

Regional Economic Briefing: What You Need to Know About the Economy Before Finalizing Your Budget

April 2, 2024
As local governments across the region head into budgeting season, what are the macroeconomic conditions and trends that may influence your local decisions? Mark Vitner, Chief Economist at Piedmont Crescent Capital, joined us as a guest speaker to unpack what’s happening in the economy, covering a range of national and...
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