Strategic Plan and Workplan

In 2022, we developed a three-year strategic plan that will serve as a roadmap for organizational growth and fiscal stability in service of our mission. The plan was informed by robust engagement with our staff, Board and regional stakeholders, including the 2021 Regional Dialogue Series that aimed to understand changes in Centralina communities since the pandemic and explore opportunities for regional collaboration.

Through this strategic planning process, we imagined a vision for Centralina that is rooted in regional trust, collaboration and hope for a thriving, prosperous future. Our vision anchors the goals, strategies and annual actions that we will undertake over the next three years. The plan is flexible, but demonstrates our firm commitment to organizational excellence, fiscal responsibility and service. Our Board of Delegates and Executive Board actively shaped the direction of final plan. Our team begins the new fiscal year on a clear path to leading change in the region and within our organization. 

Vision Statement

Centralina is a collaborative organization and a trusted partner leading the region, communities and individuals towards a thriving future.

Our Goals
  1. Lead regional engagement to prepare, plan and act on issues that respond to today’s needs and tomorrow’s opportunities. 
  2. Equip local governments with information, resources and technical assistance that enable them to do their best work. 
  3. Offer person-centered services and assistance that enhance an individuals’ ability to thrive. 
  4. Strive for organizational excellence by investing in our employees, promoting our work and building efficient systems.Â