Empowering HR Professionals Through Peer Networking
Recognizing that human resources professionals could benefit from additional support as...
In our role as connector, collaborator and convener, Centralina provides specialized and technical services, professional development and networking opportunities for local governments and their staff. This work is coordinated through the Centralina Government Affairs and Member Engagement (GAME) department, but all departments contribute their unique expertise to our work in supporting local governments.
Our goal is to ensure that our members have the resources and information they need to best serve their constituents. It also benefits our region when local governments are highly functioning, employing best practice and collaborating with other communities. From delivering specific technical services to developing talent and supporting crisis response during COVID-19, we focus on cost-effective, high-quality offerings. Visit our Services page to request information or a proposal.
Centralina offers a variety of training and networking opportunities for elected officials and local government staff. Working with recognized experts and leveraging the unique expertise of our team members, we seek to provide local, high-quality professional development. Some of our training content is recorded and available on-demand in the Member Portal.
Centralina Learns, formerly CCOG University, was created to serve as a regional professional development resource for local government staff, elected officials, managers and professional planners. There are two training tracks – one for general government and one for professional planners. Both provide opportunities to learn about topics that support our region’s communities and improve the overall health, vibrancy and resilience of the greater Charlotte region.
See upcoming classes on our events page.
The CLT Aviation Academy provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for community members and public and private sector leaders from across the region to better understand the inner workings of Charlotte Douglas International Airport (CLT) and its contributions and impacts on our economy, transportation system and community. Aviation Academy participants gain behind-the-scenes access to current operations and future CLT planning efforts that impact our local economy.
Centralina offers planning board and quasi-judicial training to local government-appointed board members. Members of planning boards and boards of adjustment make important decisions in their jurisdictions which can affect the function and appearance of communities for decades to come. It is imperative that appointed board members understand their role and responsibilities in performing their duty for their jurisdiction and community.
Brownfields are previously developed sites that may have been used for an industrial purpose or housed a facility that used chemical pollutants. Because of this, they are often left abandoned or underdeveloped due to concerns regarding contamination or perceived contamination. If treated properly, these sites are capable of providing space for municipalities to build and expand housing, parks, business centers, entertainment venues and other community assets.
Starting October 2024, Centralina is leading a regional effort to assist local governments in this journey. Over the next four years, we will assist communities with site assessments and redevelopment planning, critical fist steps towards revitalization and reuse. Does your community have a potential site?
Centralina Regional Council is here to help. To learn how brownfields can be transformed into useable, valuable land, contact Lenessa Hawkins at lhawkins@centralina.org.
Centralina produces a monthly grants compilation featuring available federal competitive grants that is distributed to our member governments and available in the Member Portal. We also offer grants development assistance to member governments and other organizations. Our goal is to enhance our region’s capacity to attract funding for local and regional strategic priorities. Grants development services include:
Centralina provides these services on collaborative projects with partner organizations and may also provide them on a simple fee-for-service basis to organizations seeking some or all of these services. Centralina is an eligible lead applicant for most grant programs open to government entities, and the Centralina Foundation is eligible to apply for most grant programs that are open to 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations.
Centralina focuses on a specific set of technical assistance and contracted services that leverage in-house expertise to provide low-cost solutions for local government members. See our Services page to learn more.
Centralina assists local governments with developing strategic plans that outline a multiyear blueprint for the future to guide local government activity and budget decisions. Centralina experts collaborate with government boards and staff to build the foundation of a strong strategic plan, including a vision, mission, core values and strategic goals. Detailed work to develop action steps and to identify the resources necessary to implement those strategies is also available.
Centralina provides minimum housing and commercial code services for its member governments, including:
We are available to support local governments in developing effective budgeting processes and financial strategies. Using a Key Financial Strategies (KFS) tool, we can analyze financial statements, capital plans and budgets to produce a 10-year outlook that provides a data-driven lens for financial planning.
Centralina helps communities design and implement effective group meetings, strategic planning sessions and budget retreats. We use neutral facilitation techniques, develop outcome-oriented agendas and design interactive exercises to get participants engaged in the meeting.
Centralina provides a variety of planning services to communities related to land use planning, code development, mobility, park and recreational planning, GIS mapping and assessment, research and policy analysis.
As a component of our technical assistance portfolio, Centralina offers local governments HR services and temporary staffing in the following areas.
We offer executive recruitment and hiring services for manager and department director level positions. We manage the entire process, including the receiving and evaluation of applications, arranging and preparing for local interviews and providing specialized personality and management assessments for top candidates. For smaller member governments, Centralina can provide pro-bono town manager search services based on a set scope of work.
Centralina can act as an extension to a city or town’s human resources department by reviewing existing HR policies and making recommendations for enhancements based on industry best practice. Our human resources experts also work with local governments on employee engagement surveys and focus groups, hiring/promotional assessment centers and classification and compensation studies.
Centralina provides short-term community planning support and can also help communities find more permanent solutions.
Centralina staff is trained in LEAN techniques, allowing us to review development processes and make recommendations to support efficiencies and save time for the development community.
Recognizing that human resources professionals could benefit from additional support as...
Finding a new Town Manager is a major decision for any community as the Town Manager...
In today’s world, 92% of jobs require digital literacy skills. Unfortunately, in North...
The COVID-19 pandemic presented organizations with a challenge when it came to holding...
In 2020, Centralina helped the City of Albemarle administer a community survey to gather...
When the City of Mount Holly found themselves needing to hire a new city manager, they...
Local government staff across the Centralina region and beyond have more on their plates...
Selecting the ideal candidate for a new or open position is crucial for local governments,...
From 2020 to 2022, Centralina Regional Council supported the City of Albemarle’s Council,...