Advancing the plan

The Advancing the Plan Committee is an official ad-hoc advisory committee of Centralina Regional Council’s Executive Board. The Advancing the Plan Committee is made up of elected officials and city/county managers from across the region who meet bi-monthly throughout the year. The committee’s purpose is to provide a forum for communication across jurisdictional lines, guide the implementation of CONNECT Beyond’s recommendations and expand our region’s collaboration on issues of mobility. For committee meeting dates, agendas, minutes and slides, click here.


Talking Points

After each meeting, Centralina sends a meeting summary document to committee members that includes talking points, FAQs, action items and other relevant information. Please see the links to these summary documents below. For meeting minutes and agenda, click here

Communication Tools

What are the critical near-term plan recommendations that the committee is focused on in FY2024? Two key projects include Seamless CONNECTions and building a TDM (transportation demand management) program for the region. Learn more about plan implementation.