Jason Wager, AICP CEP, is the Director of the Centralina Regional Planning department. He guides projects that employ land use planning principles and designed engagement that regularly involve transportation issues, challenges tied to growing communities, energy and innovation in support of energy and environmental initiatives. Department efforts augment collaboration among transportation, transit and freight movement stakeholders, local government managers and elected officials, land use planners, solid waste & recycling programs, community leaders, fleet managers, water resource planning experts, and renewable energy/energy efficiency initiatives for municipal and county government, and quite often, the private sector.
Jason served as the CONNECT Beyond project manager, a regional mobility initiative that resulted in the first ever transit vision for the greater Charlotte region. He continues to oversee CONNECT Beyond implementation activities, including early actions such as our regionâs first transportation demand management program and longer-term cross-jurisdictional coordination, including an updated public transportation funding and governance structure for the region. Jason founded and continues to direct the Centralina Clean Fuels Coalition, a US DOE Clean Cities affiliate officially designated in 2004 and that promotes clean vehicles and fuels in our region.Â
Jason has over 25 years of experience working on regional planning challenges and holds a B.A. in Geography and Master of Geography from SUNY Geneseo and UNC-Charlotte, respectively. He is a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners, with Certified Environmental Planner designation (AICP CEP), is an inductee of the US Department of Energy Clean Cities Director national Hall of Fame, is a graduate of the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Government Municipal and County Administration Certification program and is a trained group process facilitator.